

Restaurant Reviews

*** Written Review ***

Me and my partner were given an article called "Old Tom & English, restaurant review: Soho's latest white-hot spot bucks the no-reservations trend in exclusive style"

HERE is a link :)

This written restaurant review include:

* Something about the price range of items on the menu and what is considered to be a good tasted

Dishes range from £4 for triple-cooked chips with heavy mayonnaise to £11 for seared rump of lamb. The reviewer haven’t mentioned a value of lamb rump, but chips are considered to be the best that she has ever had anywhere, any year.
* Description of what the reviewer ordered

Her first dish was nibbles including popcorn cockles, crispy fish, and kale. Triple-cooked chips with a pot of heavy mayonnaise was her favorite. She wrote that Pan-fried king scallops with black pudding and a courgette purée seized back a dish from MasterChef shame. Crispy pig cheek with cider apple and fennel had a joyous cylinder of crunch with very melty meat inside. The sauce was piquant and lovely she said. Since the plate had a watery pool of blood-like liquid and the flavors didn’t marry, her least favorite was smoked wood pigeon with beetroot, pine nuts and samphire. Egg and mushroom on Melba toast was fabulous, though it was a lie that the toast was on the top. It came with an earthy Jerusalem artichoke purée and a hefty blob of butter spiked with Marmite. She mentioned that if it was not a plate to send a hangover on its way, she would not have known what it was. However, she concluded that the puddings were wonderful, and reported that a flourless salted-chocolate cake was neither too fudgy nor crumbly, just potent; and two little lemon-and-thyme doughnuts with chocolate sauce and a frill of fluffy cream floated down the gullet with ease.
* Description of facilities
She introduced that there are little alcoves where guests are guzzling cocktails, to the loo. Those alcoves are named after famous prostitutes and madams, as “tom” being a past term for prostitute. The reviewer didn’t seem to have a good reaction to those facilities.
* Recommendation of the restaurant
Since it is an entry-by-invitation place and opens at night only, she strongly recommends it with reservations.
Further things to note:
What additional information can you find out about the restaurant from ites Website?
The website introduces a menu of the food and drinks served at Old Tom & English. Prices are also shown in pounds. Some of the menu have taken pictures and shown at the gallery.
What did you learn about the values of the reviewer and cultural values through this review?
At the beginning of this review, she puts much emphasis on décor and atmosphere of the restaurant. Thus, it can be said that she sets a high value not only on food itself, but also on comfortableness at Old Tom & English.
Would you like to try this restaurant?
To be honest, I would not like to try this restaurant. The biggest reason is that it always requires the reservation which I thought was troublesome. Also some of the menu have unfamiliar foodstuffs in it, so it is a little scary for me to imagine how it tastes.
*** Video Review ***
We were given the video review about the best Ohio restaurant called The Galaxy.
HERE is a link :)
What is revealed about the reviewer?
The reviewer is Angus O’Hara who is an executive chef and sommelier at the Galaxy Restaurant.
What criticisms do you have of the video?
I thought it was a very good video. If I’m forced to say something, I would say that the content was not enough. At the beginning of the video, the Galaxy Restaurant was introduced as the place where people can offer three different dining experiences at one location. By watching the video, I noticed that the review put much emphasis on the Steakhouse, and other places are just given with brief explanations. I could easily understand that the Steakhouse is the main dining at the Galaxy Restaurant, however, it might be better if it has much information about two other places as well.
Notice whether the voices of the speakers are monotonous or have a pleasing emphasis on certain words and phrases. How does that affect your understanding and enjoyment of it?
The voice of the speaker is not monotonous, and he has a pleasing emphasis on certain words. When he introduces the steak, he puts emphasis on “Limousin” which is the French breed of cattle. It makes me easier to understand that a combination Limousin and Angus, called Lim-Flex, provides the perfect blend of beef product.
Are there any expressions of phrases that stand out in your mind after watching this video? What techniques or language would you like to use when filming your own video review?
“The things that you won’t find anywhere else on the planet, but at the Galaxy in Wadsworth” was the most impressive phrase. I would like to use the language that makes the viewer feel that he/she really wants to go and taste the food at the restaurant.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Your analyses of both the written and visual reviews were detailed and well written. The fact that you added your own opinions made them more interesting and fun to read.
